Awake MU

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Server X150 Information

Basic info about the server:

- Version: Season 18 Full

- Regular Experience: 150x

- Master Experience: 300x

- Maximum Level: 400

- Maximum Master Level: 1100

- Maximum stats: 32767


Additional info about server:

- Exclusive Quest System

- Exclusive New Jewels

- Max 3 Connections per 1 PC

- Low Performance Mode: Button F9

- Available Offlevel & Offstore

- Non PvP Maps: Aida 1,2 | Karutan 1,2 | DD 1 | Arenil Temple


Reset, grand reset info:

- Reset [1-10]: Free stat points: 1000, Experience rate: 150x

- Reset [11-20]: Free stat points: 850, Experience rate: 125x

- Reset [21-30]: Free stat points: 700, Experience rate: 100x

- Reset [31-40]: Free stat points: 550, Experience rate: 75x

- Reset [41-50]: Free stat points: 400, Experience rate: 50x


Max Resets: 50, Max Grand Resets: 5

Total Stat Points when 50 Resets: 35'000 (Build Stats)

Total Stat Points when 5 Grand Resets and 50 Resets: 45'000 (Build Stats)


Reset Reward: 20 Wcoins, Grand Reset Reward: 5000 Wcoins + 2000 Stat Points

Reset in game by command /reset, Grand Reset in game by command /grandreset


Important links:

Detailed information about game Game Guides

Game Commands, Features

- Exclusive Unique Quests

Information about VIP

Chaos Machine Rates



Posted 11 / 02 / 2024 By Admin

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